Lesson 1

Bring Your Whole Heart


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Money can be managed with


Money Problems

money problems


Money is consistently listed as the number 1 source of anxiety for Americans.


Money is consistently listed as a top reason for divorce and the number one issue that couples fight about.


Students now have more than $37,000 of debt coming out of college, requiring 10 years, or more, of repayment. And 36% of 30,000 college students surveyed already had more than $1,000 in credit card debt.


Roughly 60% of Americans would not be able to pay for a $1,000 emergency with savings.

The Traditional Solution

Gain wealth through personal financial planning.

This solution may create margin and eliminate debt burden, but it often does not fix anxiety and conflict issues.

Justin Bieber

It’s hard to get out of bed in the morning with the right attitude when you are overwhelmed with your life, emotions, finances, your relationship.

Net worth: $285 million


I’m scared about not having enough.

A bus driver about to retire with a net worth of over $1 million.  She gained wealth through wise personal financial planning, and, yet, was still scared.

Latrell Sprewell

Why would I want to help them win a title? They’re not doing anything for me. I’m at risk. I got my family to feed.

Latrell Sprewell turned down a $21.4 million contract with the Timberwolves because it wasn’t “enough” to feed his family.

The Hidden Problem

“During the conquering days of King Charles, an edict was issued that all citizens of King Charles should now become Christians. This edict went out all over Europe. Upon hearing the edict, people were obliged to get baptized. One particular group of people, marching soldiers about to wage war on a neighboring kingdom, felt the urgency to get baptized, so they marched towards a near-by river. As a priest led them through the baptism ritual, these soldiers decided to do a very peculiar thing. They raised their swords high in the air, and allowed all of their bodies to get wet, except for their hands that held their swords. They left their sword hand unbaptized since they had no idea how to reconcile their life as a solider with a life surrendered to Jesus Christ.”

We are not unlike these soldiers in that we often have no idea how to reconcile our money life with a life surrendered to Jesus. Except, instead of swords, we have unbaptized bank statements!

So, a separation has occurred:

Money Life

Jesus Life

This solution of separating our money life from our Jesus life requires us to take on full financial responsibility.

We were never meant to bear this heavy burden.

It is the hidden cause of anxiety and relational problems related to money.


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Whole Heart Video

Activity: Money Quiet Time

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Dane Ortlund, in his book, Gentle and Lowly, describes the two main steps of being a Christian:

Step 1: Go towards Jesus
Step 2: See step 1

For this exercise, we want to go towards Jesus with our money life. In doing so, we want to break any separation we may have formed between our money life and our Jesus life.

Money Quiet Time

  • Write down 5 of your latest purchases that you have made the past couple of weeks, from food and clothes, to entertainment and shopping.
  • It is true that you may spend money unwisely. The first step to improving your money life is to experience the love and favor of Jesus, which is not contingent on how good you are. In all of your spending, your first (and most important) response should be to see:
  • How Jesus is present with you.
  • How He is supportive of you.
  • How He is actively providing for you.
  • Soak in these first three truths and let gratitude and praise rise up. Actively push away any thoughts about judgement.
  • Now identify two of the financial goals below that are most exciting to you.
    • Own a home.
    • Buy a car with cash.
    • Pay for kid’s education.
    • Provide for my parents.
    • Get out of debt.
    • Go on an international vacation.
  • Next, spend some time with Jesus asking him to reveal how these two financial goals will help you love Him and others in a deeper way.
  • Finally, think about all of your financial responsibilities. Think about worries over paying bills, getting a good paying job, and doing all the right financial things.
  • As all of these thoughts flood your mind, begin to meditate on the following 3 money promises of God:
  • As you prayed this prayer over your money life, did the Lord reveal anything to you?


If we bring our whole heart to Jesus and baptize our money lives, does that automatically mean we must tithe 10%?

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